We are a family business established in 1983 in Karstula. We work in close cooperation with the plastics and engineering industries, making use of their know-how. Our company is based on flexibility and creative solutions, both in terms of products and operations.

Half of the products to be made are in-house products and the other half is contract manufacturing.

KNH manufactures and designs:

  • Leisure centres
    • - ski and advertising stands for ski slopes
    • - signage and advertising stands in golf centres
    • - giant billboards
    • - special solutions as projects
  • For industry
    • - manual conveyor crossing stations
    • - metallic multi-rollers (okarroll) for special use
    • - special solutions as projects

KNH wants to make and create

  • Finished products for a limited market.
  • Products where metal and plastic parts can be combined in a natural and appropriate way and special tools are needed for their manufacture.